Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm learning through the writing of Hart Crane it's about finding the space. what it takes to find it. You do what you have to do, say what you have to say. Being ridiculous, being embarressed, transgressing all those containers allows one to get inside that space and expand it. I'm becoming redundent writing about transgression; but, that's where i'm at. They, who ever they are, crossed all titles. Ah! to love someone is to want them to be. I must know that.


tenda said...

finding your space....mmmmmm...i must ponder this and get back with you..........eternal love....

Askia Talib-deen said...

I hope you come to know this notion of space. This realm where wildness exist. Where I've learned exist inside that margin. That may be where we'll find what we're looking for. The most important thing is to not resist the journey...

tenda said...

dont try to fit a round peg on a square hole...what is going to be...is going to be anyway....naturally....if you dont go against the grain of life.....eternal love