Sunday, July 11, 2010


I patronized a market today and noticed there were no employees working the front end. It was all modernized. You did everything yourself and your change was exact. What could be more efficient? Should I see this as a bad thing? That modernization is or has put people out of work; or, should I examine where I fit into the scheme of this thing. This is where the dis-harmony within people comes from. The not knowing where they fit into this shift. The lack of healthy direction. Constructive thought. Where does knowing the probability of 1 represents certainty exist in the makeup of one's psyche? I think often about how people, atleast within my circle, neglect constructive thought. We work to build a healthy body; a healthy retirement; however, I don't hear the dialogue for a healthy psyche. In fact, I see more of a discouragement of it. That what we use to call peer pressure as children. That doesn't stop as an adult within a sick mind....

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