Saturday, January 16, 2010


My daughter and I shared a moment this evening discussing higher education. The topic of home schooling came up in the conversation. She asked the question, or made the statement, "Would I want to be the teacher if she was to become home school'd?" After reflecting for a moment, I responded, "I may not be able, or qualified, to teach you in certain subjects; however, without someone giving you some understanding on how to connect most subjects with life, then you'll be as lost as the rest. And that I'm qualified to do." Regardless how high one learns the discipline of mathematics, the absolute principles that math covers, if one cannot connect it with the tax game of economics, then there doesn't exist any understanding. Or if one learns the subject of English, but doesn't have the fortitude, or will, to give up one of the classics, not for entertainment, but to gain insight from the original source....

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